Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Are Movies Getting Worst Or Am I Just Getting Older

“They made real movies in the old days, not this garbage”

I am sure this thought have crossed all of our minds at some point, perhaps after walking out of the latest brainless Hollywood popcorn movies with muppets for actors and not even enough action to justify it being called an action movie. Is it fair however, to say that movies in the good old days were…better?

Even though I have had this thought many times myself, I personally think it is probably unfair to make such a statement. The “good old days” are completely different for different people, while many people might agree that the older movies they saw when they were younger were better. The “good old days” for a thirty year old person might be when the newer garbage movies came out for a fifty year old person. I am sure how much we enjoy a certain movie are affected by the time we saw them. The first time we saw a particularly cool special effects it’s like…wow, the next time however, we wouldn’t be so blown away. As we get older and watch more and more movies we reach a point where we have seen it all before. There is less and less special effects and plot twist we haven’t seen. Added to this the fact that when we think back to the great movies we saw in the past, we only remember the good ones, there might just be as many garbage movies produced in the past, but we just don’t care to remember them. So all in all I would say that although movies in the “good old days” might be better, it is largely because we were younger when we saw them.

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